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Nordic-Baltic Arts Festival 

Conference 2017

"Festivals-Tourism-Local Communities"



The 2017 Conference of the NordicBaltic Festival Platform was the first-ever dual-city event which took place on 21-22 November 2017 in Helsingør/Helsingborg (Denmark/Sweden).

The Conference brought together managers and artistic directors of festivals from all fields of art and culture to exchange ideas and best practices, make new connections and explore various possibilities for cooperation, and attend some great, avant garde performances from the Nordics.





- Dunkers Kulturhus, Kungsgatan 11, Helsingborg, Sweden

- Kulturverftet (The Culture Yard), Allegade 2, Helsingør, Denmark


Monday, 20th November 2017 

19:00-19:50 “A Thousand Tongues” performance at Helsingborg City Theatre (length: 50 min)


Conference moderator:

Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, Reykjavík Arts Festival, Iceland



Tuesday, 21st November 2017

Venue: Kulturverftet (The Culture Yard), Helsingør, Denmark


10:30-17:30 Registration & drop off of luggage at the Culture Yard
11:00-12:00 EU and Nordic cultural funding presentation/workshop by Bradley Allen, Creative Europe Desk Denmark

12:00-13:00 Welcome reception: Sandwiches & coffee hosted by the HH Department in Helsingør

13:00-13:20 Welcome speeches

  • Stella Hansen, Director of the Helsingør City Government (DK)

  • Emma Having, Head of Production Department at Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg (SE)

  • Trine Heller, Programme Coordinator, Passage Festival/Helsingør Teater (DK)

13:20-14:00 Keynote speech by Juliana Engberg, Programme Director Aarhus 2017 (DK)

14:00-15:30  "World Café" networking

15:30-16:00 Coffee & cake

16:00-16:15 Introduction to PANEL 1: “Edinburgh, the festivals and tourism” by James McVeigh of Festivals Edinburgh (UK), including presentation of the results of the recent “Impact Study”

See presentation HERE

16:15 PANEL 1: “How to enhance engagement between festivals and the tourism industry?”

Festival planning in general comes much later than tourism industry wants. … Two levels of tourism to consider: people travelling for festivals, and people already travelling and deciding also to go to a festival. … What is the aim - to reach new tourist groups or engage the existing ones?


Kai Amberla, Finland Festivals, Finland


  • Juliana Engberg, Programme Director Aarhus 2017, Denmark

  • Svanhildur Konrádsdóttir, Director of Harpa, Iceland

  • James McVeigh, Head of Marketing and Innovation, Festivals Edinburgh, UK


18:15-18:35 Ferry transfer to Helsingborg. Sandwich & drink offered on board

Check-in at the different hotels


Evening programme:
20.00-21:10 “Støv” performance at Helsingborg City Theatre (length: 70 min)
21:15-01:00 Reception at Helsingborg City Theatre with snacks & drinks.


Wednesday, 22nd November 2017 

Venue: Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, Sweden


09:30-10:10 Presentations of organisations with international scope/reach:

  • Swedish Institute by Programme Manager Katrine Larsen

  • EFA (European Festivals Association)/EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Eu-rope) by Communication & Network Manager Naima Delaere

10:10-11:10 Short presentations by Nordic-Baltic festivals

  • Passage Festival/Helsingør Teater, Rita Sebestyén (DK)

  • Performance Køkkenet, David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo, Artist/Curator (DK)

  • Handbendi Brúðuleikhús - North-West Iceland's professional theatre and puppetry company, Greta Clough (IS)

  • Nordic Song Festval, Gitta-Maria Sjöberg, Initiator & Artistic Director (SE)

  •  Musik i Syd: 6 festivals, Peter Wilgotsson, Manager of Festivals and International Relations (SE)

  • Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, Raimo Vertainen, Artistic leader (FI)

  • Drakamöllan Opera Festival, Ingalill Thorsell & Guido Paevatalu, Founders and Managers of the Festival (SE)

  • Vinterfest (International chamber music festival), Annika Nordkvist, Festival Manager, Musik i Dalarna (SE)

  • Landskrona Photo Festival, Tina Jönsson, Project Manager (SE)

  • Usedomer Music Festival, Thomas Hummel, Executive Director (DE)

11:10-11:40 Coffee break

11:40-12:00 Presentation on the NBFP Web Platform for promoting the festivals of the region by Leelo Lehtla, Coordinator/Working Group member of NBFP

12:00-13:30 Presentations of 5 collaborative arts projects, winners of the NBFP 2017 call - find out about them HERE

13:30-15:00 Lunch sponsored by Musik i Syd, including presentation by Managing Director Martin Martinsson

15:00-15:15 Introduction to PANEL 2: “Festivals and community engagement” by Rita Sebestyén of Hel-singør Teater/Passage Festival (DK)

15:15-16:30 PANEL 2: “Festivals and community engagement”

Best practices in the field. … Impact of festivals (i.e. how do festivals impact and improve the lives of artists, as well as local communities?) … Efficient involvement of volunteers – how to organise volunteers and create ownership at festivals?


Leelo Lehtla, PLMF Arts Management Ltd., Estonia


  • Rita Sebestyén, Helsingør Teater/Passage Festival, Denmark

  • Julijus Grickevicius, President of the Lithuanian Jazz Federation & Head of PR of the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society

  • Ints Teterovskis, Director of Volunteer Programmes, Stace Employment Agency of Latvia & Artistic Director of youth choir BALSIS

See presentation HERE​

16:30-17:00 Conference ”Wrap-up” by Guido Paevatalu


Evening programme:

18:00-19:00 Optional concert at the Helsingborg Concert Hall with the Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra playing Carl Nielsens Symphony no 2, conductor Eugene Tzigane.

19:00- Closing Dinner at Nattkatten Restaurant and Bar

Participation fees:
- 129 EUR regular rate
- 59 EUR student rate


Conference hotels


Hotel Karnan
Code “Nordic Baltic Festival Platform”
Single room: 725 SEK
Double room: 875 SEK

Best Western Hotel Duxiana
Code "Nordic Baltic conference"
Nov 20-21 – Single 950 SEK, Double 1050 SEK
Nov 22nd – Single 1350 SEK, Double 1550 SEK​ 

Hotel Marina
​Code: 4499395
From 1,390 SEK/room/night

All the hotels prices include breakfast and VAT

Registration HERE via the HELSINGØR TEATER site

The 2017 conference was hosted by Dunkers Kulturhus (SE) and Passagefestival/Helsingør Teater (DK), supported by the Swedish Institute and the Nordic Culture Fund.


All arts professionals are invited to take part in the one and only arts festivals conference of the Nordic-Baltic region again in October 2018!

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Photos used on the site are by Roger Hennum, Andrea Rocha,  Arne Hauge, Line Skjærvik, Timo Sirkkala,

Petri Laitinen, Cata Portin, Miika Lommi, Petra Tiihinen, Irene Kangasniemi and Merli Antsmaa.

 © 2024 NordicBaltic Festival Platform

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