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4th meeting of the NordicBaltic Festival Platform

NordicBaltic Festival Platform Mini-Conference in Riga

4 March 2014

The moderator of the conference is Steinunn Birna Ragnarsdottir, Music Director, Harpa, Iceland





Welcome by Guntars Kirsis, Director of Latvian Concerts.


An introduction to the study of festivals: FESTudy by Jan Ove Hafstad, Director of Swedish Music Festivals.


FESTudy: Music Festivals a Changing World – an international comparison. Presented by leading researcher Lluis Bonet, Professor in applied Economy specializing i Cultural Economics at University of Barcelona.


Panel and plenary discussions moderated by Leelo Lehtla, Director of Tallinn Chamber Music Festival and Rapla Church Music Festival in Estonia.

Panel participants are: Lluis Bonet, researcher FESTudy, Ginta Tropa, Cultural Advicer, Office of Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia, Kathrin Deventer, Secretary General, European Festivals Association, Ruta Pruseviciene, General Director of Vilnius Festival and the National Philharmonic Society of Lithuania, Noomi Hedlund, Director of Dalhalla Opera Festival in Sweden, Kai Amberla, Executive Director of Finland Festivals, Maris Briezkalns, Director of Rigas Ritmi Jazz and member of Latvian Festivals Association, Dace Bluke, Boardmember of the Latvian Composers Union.


The NordicBaltic Festival Platform presents a few selected NordicBaltic and European projects: 
ArtsHansa and the Hanseatic Early Music Festival 2016. A message from Björn Ross and Peter Pontvik of NORDEM.
The West Nordic project Borealis. Presented by Thorunn Sigurdardottir, Vice Chairman of Bryggen in Copenhagen and Boardmember of Harpa, Iceland.
Ripples on the Water. Presented by Jan Ove Hafstad, Director of Swedish Music Festivals.
Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe (EFFE). An EU project operated by The Europen Festivals Association presented by Kathrin Deventer, EFA Secretary General.



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Photos used on the site are by Roger Hennum, Andrea Rocha,  Arne Hauge, Line Skjærvik, Timo Sirkkala,

Petri Laitinen, Cata Portin, Miika Lommi, Petra Tiihinen, Irene Kangasniemi and Merli Antsmaa.

 © 2024 NordicBaltic Festival Platform

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