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2017 Call for Nordic-Baltic Collaborative Arts Projects

​In 2017, the the NBFP launched its 3rd Call for Collaborative Projects in June. The application deadline was on Monday, 31 July 2017 (included). On 8 August 2017 the NBFP Working Group gathered in Helsingør, Denmark to discuss among other issues the outcomes of the 2017 Call for Projects. As a result, 5 ideas were chosen to be presented at the NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference on 21-22 November 2017 in Helsingør/Helsingborg (DK/SE) . The Conference convenes Nordic-Baltic festival representatives and other arts professionals seen as potential partners for the chosen ideas / projects. Among the latter there is 1 combined digital arts & (classical) music project; 1 contemporary dance project; 1 combined music, art & performance project; and 2 cross-disciplinary projects.

Briefly, the chosen 5 ideas / projects are the following:

"Classical HD festival", led by the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society (LNPS), Lithuania

*Digital arts & music


The project focuses on the emerging digital industry in the classical music field, which changes the habits and behaviors of the audiences. This is a new, modern music communication language whereby streaming and online applications take a very important role. The project is related to the LNPS launching a new project in September 2017 – The Digital Concert Hall. With the latter, the LNPS unites initiatives of streaming platforms and technologies in the Nordic region and introduces them to the audiences as close as possible.

Julijus Grickevicius

"Festival Exchange", led by the Northern art-festival “Taibola”, Russian Federation



The teams of Russian annd Norwegian artists and designers will cooperate to create new architectural, land-art and other forms to strengthen the cultural programme/collaboration. At the same time, art-managers are going to exchange experiences working on on-going festival organisation – the Norwegians will face the Russian reality, and the Russians will contribute to Norwegian way of festival organisation.

Ilya Kuzubov,

Anna Petrova,

"International Contemporary dance festival “VIDES DEJA”", led by
the Dance support foundation “Stars’ Well” (“Zvaigžnu AkA”), Latvia


“VIDES DEJA” is an International Contemporary dance festival, the priority of which is the creation of new site specific productions/performances - new productions in the conpemporary dance field, performed in unusual spaces, paralleled with a dance film and music programme.
The Festival, thus, invites professional contemporary dance choreographers to come for one week to create site specific dance performances. They work or cooperate with professional dancers and dance students, movers, actors and musicians, who are apply for the Festival from different countries.

Lilija Lipora,

Daira Knipše,

"International Organ Music Festival “ORGANismi”, Latvia


​The International Organ Music Festival is a unique festival that explores and shows the characteristics and diversity of organ music and offers opportunities for discovering the diversity of organ music when it unites with theater, dance, digital arts and other forms of arts. It opens up many opportunities, not just performances of different genres by different groups of performers but also new experiments, forms of collaboration and sound.

Iveta Apkalna,
Ilona Rupaine,
Diāna Zirniņa,

"Liepāja Art Forum "FUTURE ART"", led by the Liepāja Concert Hall Great Amber, Latvia

*Music, art & performance

The main aim of the Art Forum in 2018 is to create an artistic platform of debate and performances of the highest artistic quality around the topic of the arts of the future in the context of the centenary of the Baltic States and Poland... Envisioning Art between 2018 and 2118…

Timurs Tomsons


For further background, the NordicBaltic Festival Platform (NBFP) is a platform created for festivals from all fields of art & culture in the Nordic-Baltic area. It aims to foster cultural cooperation in the region by enhancing the number and strength of connections, the capacity and visibility of those festivals. The Platform is open to festivals from all fields of art.

As one of the practical initiatives to foster artistic exchange, the NBFP runs an annual call for cross-border collaborative projects. The initiative aims to bring together festivals for new and, hopefully, long lasting partnerships and to foster the exchange of practices and artistic ideas.


The call is aimed at all arts & culture festivals, but similarly we encourage artists to reach out to their local/partner festivals to introduce together a collaboration proposal for festivals in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as Poland and Russian Federation from the wider Baltic Sea Region (BSR).


Consequently, in 2017, the eligible coordinator/partner countries included Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands (DK), Åland Islands (DK), Greenland (DK), Poland and Russian Federation (preferably from the St. Petersburg and/or Kaliningrad region).

For more background about the 2017 Call, please see the Guidelines.


Here you can also find an overview of the Winning Projects in 2015 and 2016.



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Photos used on the site are by Roger Hennum, Andrea Rocha,  Arne Hauge, Line Skjærvik, Timo Sirkkala,

Petri Laitinen, Cata Portin, Miika Lommi, Petra Tiihinen, Irene Kangasniemi and Merli Antsmaa.

 © 2024 NordicBaltic Festival Platform

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