the capacity of
regional arts and culture festivals.
Foster connections
arts and culture festivals in the Nordic-Baltic region for sharing experiences and knowledge.
the visibility of
the festivals in the region and globally.
Continuously develop the model and functionality of the Platform, i.e.
annual Call for Projects and Conference.
NBFP has the far-reaching goal to engage up to 500 Nordic-Baltic arts & culture festivals in its activities.
This way NBFP searches to enrich considerably the arts and culture scene in the Nordic-Baltics region.
The NordicBaltic Festival Platform Working Group members are:
Mrs. Leelo Lehtla, PLMF Arts Management / Festival Hub Estonia (Estonia)
Mr. Guntars Ķirsis, Latvian Concerts (Latvia)
Mrs. Ieva Tamutytė, Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society and Vilnius Festival (Lithuania)
Mr. Peter Eriksson, Sweden Festivals (Sweden)
Mr. Kai Amberla, Finland Festivals (Finland)
Ms. Guja Sandholt, Opera/music theatre festival Óperudagar / Informal group "Arts Festivals in Iceland" (Iceland)
Ms. Gunn Hernes, The Nordic House (The Faroe Islands (DK))
Mr. Ilgiz Yanbukhtin, New Russian Classics and Cultural Management Strategy & Practice (Russia)
Mrs. Sabina Westerholm, The Nordic Institute in Greenland (Greenland (DK))
Mr. Thomas Hummel, Usedom Music Festival (Germany)
Look at the list of all the festivals who have been involved in the NBFP activities HERE.
A number of Nordic and Baltic festival colleagues, after an initiative from Swedish Music Festivals, agreed to organise a conference in Iceland on 5-7 October 2011. It was made possible by the support from The Nordic Culture Fund. The meeting took place in connection to the annual Nordic Music Days, and the opening of the new concert Hall Harpa in Reykjavik. 45 representatives of festivals in Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden attended. The keynote speaker was Franz Patay, CEO of the Vienna Mozart Year 2006. All participants gave a short presentation on the situation of culture, arts and festivals in their respective countries, followed by a debate on how Nordic-Baltic cooperation might be structured.
The conference resulted in a press release, a decision to work towards strengthening a possible international festival network, and an agreement to try and arrange a new meeting to further investigate concrete ways of collaboration.
In conjunction with the Nordic Music Days in Stockholm 2012, Swedish Music Festivals - supported by Nordic Culture Fund and Music Development and Heritage Sweden - organised a follow-up meeting to the one in Reykjavik. The meeting took place in Stockholm on 12-14 October 2012. 27 delegates from festivals in the Faroe Islands, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden attended. On Saturday morning, Lluis Bonet from the University of Barcelona made the first presentation of the FESTudy. It was a study of some 400 European festivals, conducted between 2011 and 2012. The study was later presented and published at a symposium in Lille, France in November 2013.
At the invitation of Latvian Concerts, Riga Festival and in conjunction with Classical NordicBaltic 2013, the Nordic and Baltic festivals organised their 3rd meeting in Riga on 19 February. A platform was formed, and the Working Group was given the mandate to run its work. In June 2013 the Working Group met with the Nordic Council of Ministers in Copenhagen; to inform them about the platform and hear their views and advice.
The 4th meeting of the NordicBaltic Festival Platform was held in the European Capital of Culture Riga on 4 March 2014. It was held in conjunction with Latvian Concerts and Classical NordicBaltic organised for the second time from 5-6 March 2014, and again supported by the Nordic Culture Fund. All attendants of the two events were invited to take part in the ceremony of the Great Latvian Award that celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Since then the NBFP Working Group has been gathering at least semi-annually. In 2015 NBFP chose PLMF Arts Management as the coordinator for the network. The platform organised its 1st ever NBFP Conference in October 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. In total 5 NBFP Conferences have taken place since 2015 around the Nordic-Baltic region (see more below here). In parallel, 4 Calls for Collaborative Projects have been organised between 2015-2018 and, in 2019, the 1st Call for Festival Pitches with special focus on the Russian Federation took places. All the "Winners" have presented their ideas/projects at the NBFP Conferences. Furthermore, in 2018, NBFP's first ever fellowship programme was successfully organised engaging 8 emerging festival leaders from across the Nordic-Baltic region.
1st Nordic-Baltic Festival Meeting in Reykjavik
5-7 October 2011
2nd Nordic-Baltic Festival Meeting in Stockholm
Formation of the NordicBaltic Festival Platform (NBFP) and its (3rd) meeting in Riga
4th NordicBaltic Festival Platform meeting in Riga
1st Public NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference in Stockholm
29-30 October 2015
2nd NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference in Vilnius
3-4 November 2016
3rd NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference in Helsingør/Helsingborg
21-22 November 2017
4th NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference in Gdánsk, Poland
22-24 October 2018
5th NordicBaltic Festival Platform Conference in Liepāja, Latvia
7-8 November 2019
* A million thanks to every single person making the Liepāja Conference a really great 2-day event! The livestreamed sessions as well as some photos from Day 1 can bee seen on the NBFP FB page.
A short, 5-minute video of the Conference and NBFP made possible by the ticketing service provider Musikka can be found here.
* NBFP 2019 Conference Keynotes, following Discussions, Russian session on Day 1 and Curation session on Day 2 will be livestreamed on NBFP FB page on 7-8 Nov!
* 25 Oct. 2019 was the deadline to register for FoD Production Support Grants. NBFP received altogether 8 applications. Those 8 Grantees, all invited to the NBFP Conference, are now listed here.
* In August 2019, the NBFP Working Group looked through the applications to the 1st Call for Festival Pitches from the Russian Federation and chose 6 festivals to pitch at the November Conference.
* NBFP Arts Festival Conference 2019 TICKETS NOW on sale here! This year's Conference will take place on 7-8 November 2019 in Liepāja, Latvia. Keynote speeches by Jenny Sealey and Jonathan Holloway. Get your Early Bird Ticket until 30 September (prolonged!). MORE INFO, PROGRAMME.
* Check out the Conference invitation-video and meet in person the Host of 2019 - Timurs Tomsons, CEO of Liepājas koncertzāle Lielais dzintars / Concert Hall Great Amber -, and the Venue itself.
* NBFP is launching its 1st Call for Festival Pitches from the Russian Federation. Apply by 1 August 2019 included and present at the NBFP annual Conference in Nov 2019!
* NBFP Working Group met for a very constructive conference planning meeting on 1-3 May 2019 at Liepāja Amber Hall in Latvia. As one of the outcomes, this year's theme was fixed: “HOW TO MAKE YOUR FESTIVAL BETTER. OPEN UP! LEVEL UP!".
* In 2019, NBFP Arts Festivals Conference will take place on 7-8 November 2019 in Liepāja, Latvia. Keynote speeches by Jenny Sealey and Jonathan Holloway. Save the dates and get your Early Bird Ticket already in June 2019!
* The NBFP Pilot Fellowship Programme with 8 Fellows concluded with the 2nd session in St. Petersburg in February 2019. The session was coincided with the NBFP Working Group meeting and a networking event with Russian festivals.
* EFFE’s FestivalFinder.eu is up and running! Add your festival and to Europe’s one and only festival search tool and become more visible to international audiences.
* The 2018 NBFP Arts Festival Conference was successfully held in Gdánsk, Poland from 22-24 October! Big thanks to all who attended.
* The 4th Call for Nordic-Baltic Collaborative projects was organised in the summer of 2018. For more information and winners, see Call for Projects.
* Registration is now open for the Nordic Baltic Arts Festival Conference on 22-24 Oct 2018! To purchase tickets, visit Interticket.
* The first ever Fellowship Programme has opened. For more information, have a look HERE. The deadline is 16 August 2018.
* Call for Nordic-Baltic Collaborative projects has opened: for more information, see the Call for Projects. The deadline is 16 August 2018.
* Save the dates! The annual NBFP Conference with the focus on "Relevance" will take place in The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdánsk (PL) on 22-24 October 2018.
* March 2018: The Platform received funding from the Nordic Culture Fund for Year 2018 activities (organising a Conference and developing an innovative Web Platform for live streaming).
* Registration open! The NBFP first-ever dual-city conference titled "Festival-Tourism-Local Communities" will take place in Helsingør/Helsingborg (DK/SE) on 21-22 November 2017.
* Winners of 2017 Call for Collaborative Projects chosen: 5 Nordic-Baltic ideas will be presented at the November conference in Helsingør/Helsingborg (DK/SE).
* The NBFP Working Group meeting in August 2017 welcomed three new members: Aleksandra Kminikowska (Poland), Vigdís Jakobsdóttir (Iceland) and Sif Gunnarsdóttir (Faroe Islands).
* NBFP 2017 Call for Collaborative Projects is now OPEN! Apply until Mon, 31 July 2017! The results will be announced on Thu, 10 Aug 2017.
* Save the dates! The NBFP first-ever dual-city conference titled "Festival-Tourism-Local Communities" will take place in Helsingør/Helsingborg (DK/SE) on 21-22 November 2017.
* June 2017: The Platform received funding from the Nordic Culture Fund for Year 2017 activities (organising a Conference and developing an innovative Web Platform for live streaming).
* April 2017: The Platform received funding from the Swedish Institute for Year 2017-2018 activities (enlargening the NBFP, organising a Call for Projects & a Conference, as well as developing an innovative Web Platform for live streaming).
* In 2017, the NBFP Working Group met for the 1st time on 10-11 January, the 2nd time on 3 April; both times in Tallinn, Estonia, to develop Year 2017 activities.
* The NBFP 2016 Conference took place on 3-4 November 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania, more info HERE.
* The 2016 Call for Collaborative Nordic-Baltic Projects was open until 19 June 2016.
5 great projects were chosen to be presented at the NBFP Conference in Vilnius!
* On 16 April the NBFP Working Group convened in Wroclaw to further develop Year 2016 activities.
Stay tuned for the 2016 NBFP conference in Vilnius, Lithuania on 3-4 November!
* The Platform received funding from the Nordic Culture Fund for Year 2016 activities.
* The NBFP Working Group met in Vilnius on 14 December 2015 to develop the network's short-term and long-term goals.
* The NBFP 2015 Conference concluded successfully! An overview and gallery can be found here.
* NBFP working group held a meeting in Malmö on 26-27 May 2015 to review the received project applications and prepare for the 2015 Conference.
* The Platform received Capacity-building funding from the Nordic Culture Point for the 2015 Conference.
* In 2015 NBFP chose PLMF Arts Management as the coordinator for the network.
* Call for Nordic-Baltic Collaborative projects has opened: for more information see the Call for Projects. The deadline is 22 May 2015.